Is covid-19 (corona virus) Vaccine possible??, Yes?, No?, Maybe?.

Everyone is waiting for a vaccine!. Well, read some facts about the covid-19 and its vaccine and later decide whether we will get the vaccine or not!😪😪

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👉👉👉 As we all know this pandemic has led us to many crisis. Some don't have any work or income, some have work but the pay is less and some people are not affected by it. One way or the other we all are surviving in this tough situation. While the virus is infecting and killing many people, the whole world is waiting for a vaccine. Medical professionals all around the world are working hard to develop and manufacture the vaccine. Everyone has questions. So we may think where is the vaccine ?, Why there is no vaccine yet? and will we ever get a vaccine?.
 I'll give you some answers on that.

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So why there is no vaccine yet ?

Understand this basic concept. It is not that easy to develop vaccine for a virus.
👉 The virus especially covid-19 has RNA as its genetic material. These tend to mutate very quickly. Even if we find a virus that cures some people at present, it may not work for all the people or at-least for next upcoming years.
👉 Not a single institution has capacity to build a vaccine on its own.They dont have such well built laboratories. Since the outbreak is rare, they are only prepared for flues not viruses. Hence we need the whole world to work together.
 👉 The goal is not only to produce a vaccine that works once, but it should sustain for longer time and shouldn't affect us by any other means in the long run. Since the vaccine will be given to perfectly healthy people too, they cant risk them too. So its not a Race but Marathon. Basically, IT TAKES TIME.
👉 The Virus developing process is really tough and it takes upto 10 to 15 years to normally develop a vaccine, As per our previous records. The fastest vaccine ever developed is for Mumps, that too took 4 years to develop. Then comes Ebola, which took 5 years. Remember common cold is also a viral fever and we still don't have vaccines for that.

So, Are we not able to eradicate covid-19?

We cant conclude it buy saying yes or no!. There are many factors to be considered.
👉 Look at the past. We still don't have vaccine for HIV. Dengue fever was identified in 1943, but we got our first vaccine just last year (2019). We still have many viruses which  doesn't have vaccines developed for.
👉 Many of the viruses tend to degrade their effects as they spread furthur from animals to humans, and to another human, until it will be not contagious anymore. We can hope the covid-19 will act the same way.(just hope).
👉 The Risk : We cant risk ourselves by rushing for the vaccine. As rushing  to develop vaccine can be lethal( click here to know why )
👉 We can even live with it as like other viruses. Mainly we need to develop good immunity. Masks maybe a part of our lives, Social distancing can be a way of living, Work from home maybe the next big thing, Online classes may be the new advancement in educating people (just my views). 
👉 Also there are news that there is a significant reduce upto 50% in mortality rate when hydroxychloroquine is used in early treatment of the covid-19 virus. The lower the mortality rate, faster will our lives resume to normal.
👉 Its been said that vaccines are most likely to be developed at the early 2021, and later will be manufactured and be given to people which may take another year.
👉 Also even if we get the vaccine, it is not  guaranteed that you won't get the virus again !. Prevention for the virus is mandatory.

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We can just pray and hope that everything will get back to normal at the earliest.
While we are in this self quarantine situation, we are striving hard to keep ourselves safe. preventing the virus from spreading is our upmost priority!!.

SO, What should we do? and What we shouldn't?.

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✔ Wash your hand. ( Hand washeshand sanitizers ).
 Do wear masks while you socialize with people.
 Keep your house Hygienic. ( Disinfectant sprays )
 Sanitize your essentials well and sanitize yourself.
 Do listen to rules.

❌ Don't go out unless it is necessary.
 Don't go to crowded place.
 Avoid Meeting, Hand-shakes, and social Gatherings. Safe touch tool , must have for              people who go out regularly)
❌ Never loose hope.
❌ Don't Invite your friends and family to your house.

Thank you for you time. Do check out some more content in my blog.



  1. good content. you mean it takes 2 years for vaccine to come out ?

    1. thank you soo much.. speaking of time, yes!! it may take more than that. Depends, Hope for the best.😄

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